
​​​​​​​​The information and materials on this page have been prepared for media interested in information on Harmony Week celebrations.  Since 1999, more than 80,000 Harmony events have been hosted across Australia in childcare centres, schools, community groups, churches, businesses and federal, state and local government agencies.


Welcome to the Media Hub. Here you will find media information about Harmony Week, along with resources to assist in compiling news stories.

Harmony Week

Media Releases​

Media inquiries​

Media inquiries can be emailed to​. Journalists can also call the media hotline (02) 6264 2244 during business hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is Harmony Week celebrated?

  • Harmony Week is celebrated throughout Australia in a week-long celebration of cultural diversity. Since first held in 1999, Harmony Week has grown to become a significant time for Australians to come together and celebrate our nation's cultural diversity. This year Harmony week will be celebrated from 20 to 26 March 2023.​​

What is Harmony Week?

  • Harmony Week is a week to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, based on the successful integration of migrants into our community. It is an opportunity for all Australians to embrace cultural diversity and to share what we have in common.
  • Harmony Week is a community celebration. Since 1999, more than 80,000 Harmony Week events have been held in childcare centres, schools, community groups, churches, businesses and federal, state and local government agencies across Australia.
  • Multiculturalism is in Australia's national interest. It is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.
  • Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this and work to maintain it.
  • Our cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and is at the heart of who we are. An integrated multicultural Australia is an integral part of our nation's history and character.

How does the community celebrate Harmony Week?

  • Community groups have made Harmony Week their own by organising events according to their needs, interests and strengths.
  • Morning teas, fairs, concerts, school assemblies, sporting events and national costume days are among the different events that have been staged to showcase cultures, traditions and backgrounds.
  • See a list of state and territory events promoting harmony and social cohesion.

Why does orange represent Harmony Week?

  • Orange has been the Harmony Week colour since the first event was held in 1999.
  • Traditionally the colour orange relates to social communication, stimulating two-way conversations. It aids in the development of new ideas and frees the spirit of its limitations, giving us the freedom to be ourselves. At the same time it encourages self-respect and respect of others.

Harmony Week – Key messages

  • Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
  • It is about celebrating the benefits of our multicultural society that has come about as the result of the successful integration of migrants into the Australian community.
  • Let's come together with friends and family and through schools, workplaces and our wider communities to celebrate our diversity.
  • Be proud of our strong and successful multicultural society. Sharing our cultural heritage is part of celebrating what it means to be Australian.
  • Our shared Australian values of respect, equality and freedom go beyond our different cultures, and are what makes Australia such a great place to live.
  • The message of respect and belonging goes beyond the week long celebration. It can be lived by each of us, every day
  • Australian Values Harmony Week videos.

Ways to get involved

  • Join us this Harmony Week to celebrate the benefits and strength cultural diversity brings to our nation and Australian way of life.
  • Regi​ster your Harmony Week event. The Registration Form is available from the first week in February to the end of March every year.
  • Find out what's happening near you